Types of notebooks
Types of notebooks

types of notebooks

These represent an important contribution to the international debate on the supposedly appropriate use and application of Gramscian categories and will trigger a significant and rare dialogue among the international “users” of Gramsci and Italian (or Italian language-proficient) groups of philological scholars. Philological articles that directly recall Gramsci’s and Gramscian thinking and its critics (approximately 7000-9000 words). Research articles (approximately 7000-9000 words, excluding references). The journal welcomes the following types of submissions: The journal also encourages contributions from outside academia. In line with global studies, there is no prescribed specific unit of analysis, and this includes individuals, formal and informal groups, institutions, societies, and various combinations of these units. Its aim is to serve as a forum for critical dialogue between the humanities, social sciences, law, and even the natural sciences. Notebooks opposes the fragmentation and overspecialization of knowledge. Notebooks, being a quintessentially inter-/transdisciplinary enterprise, encourages different methodological approaches and welcomes studies from all disciplines, to include but not limited to: sociology, economics, political studies, psychology, biology, history, anthropology, philosophy, linguistics, international relations, criminology, municipal law, and international law.

types of notebooks

The journal documents processes whereby certain ideas and types of knowledge achieve dominance and are variously expressed via not only coercion but also consent. Notebooks is interested in why and how power is exercised, preserved, and contested. Exploitation, via the exercise of hegemonic power, occurs in many domains: global politics, institutional administration, the state, legal systems, social dynamics, family, the workplace, education, economic mechanisms and socioeconomic relations, language, media, communications, and more. However, power still implies exploitation. This means that, apart from being exercised through violence, power can be exercised through hegemony produced by “common sense”. For the purposes of this journal, power implies submission either by consent or by coercion. Power is a complex phenomenon and can be defined in multiple ways. Notebooks: The Journal for Studies on Power is an academic, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary publication intended to serve as a dialogue-generating conduit for research on power.

Types of notebooks